Requisite documents
For the applicant as Company,
the individual applicant
For the applicant as Company
for duty stamps
I,----------------- (name
of Officer) Authorized person of
of Company) a Company incorporated in
---------------------- (name of Country)
and having its executive office at
(address) (hereinafter referred to as
“the Company”) do solemnly and sincerely
declare as follows:-
1. That the Company is
the Owner and Sole Proprietor of the
Trademark viz:-
2. That the said Trademark consists of -
3. That the above-mentioned Trademark is
used in respect of -
Int’l Class :
4. That the Company reserves the right to
use the above-mentioned mark in any color or
combination of colors.
5. That the Company
claims the exclusive right of trademark
ownership in the Union of Myanmar.
Declared at _______________
on the _________day of ________________200 .
Authorized Person
Note: In this form,
Authorized Person must be the one who signed
the POA.